Seattle Nice
It’s getting harder and harder to talk about politics, especially if you disagree. Well, screw that. Seattle Nice aims to be the most opinionated and smartest analysis of what’s really happening in Seattle politics available in any medium. Each episode dives into contentious and sometimes ridiculous topics, exploring perspectives from across Seattle's political spectrum, from city council brawls to the ways the national political conversation filters through our unique political process. Even if you’re not from Seattle, you need to listen to Seattle Nice. Because it’s coming for you. Unlike the sun, politics rises in the West and sets in the East.
Seattle Nice
Seattle Elections Heat Up and Trump Gets Punitive
The latest explosive headline about Bruce Harrell's 1996 arrest isn't great news for a mayor who is up for re-election later this year. We discuss the fallout and the fact that a mystery challenger is expected to join that race next week.
Speaking of politics, we also discuss Erica's interview with Dionne Foster, who is challenging City Council President Sara Nelson. Foster is challenging Nelson from the left, but some of her positions don’t sound that progressive. Is that smart politics?
Also, Republican City Attorney Ann Davison is standing up to the Trump Administration. We debate the merits of that move.
Finally, the U.S. Small Business Administration is closing its Seattle office to “support President Trump’s agenda to secure our borders.” The move implicitly punishes Seattle for calling itself a "sanctuary city." What will it mean for small businesses, and what will the Trump Administration do coming next?
Our editor is Quinn Waller.
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Thanks to Uncle Ike's pot shop for sponsoring this week's episode! If you want to advertise please contact us at realseattlenice@gmail.com
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