Seattle Nice
It’s getting harder and harder to talk about politics, especially if you disagree. Well, screw that. Seattle Nice aims to be the most opinionated and smartest analysis of what’s really happening in Seattle politics available in any medium. Each episode dives into contentious and sometimes ridiculous topics, exploring perspectives from across Seattle's political spectrum, from city council brawls to the ways the national political conversation filters through our unique political process. Even if you’re not from Seattle, you need to listen to Seattle Nice. Because it’s coming for you. Unlike the sun, politics rises in the West and sets in the East.
Seattle Nice
All of your questions answered
You asked and we answered your questions on topics including the 2025 Seattle mayoral election, the race for city council position 9, and what we'd like to see happen in city politics next year.
Quinn Waller is our editor.
Send us a text! Note that we can only respond directly to emails
Thanks to Uncle Ike's pot shop for sponsoring this week's episode! If you want to advertise please contact us at
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