Seattle Nice
It’s getting harder and harder to talk about politics, especially if you disagree. Well, screw that. Seattle Nice aims to be the most opinionated and smartest analysis of what’s really happening in Seattle politics available in any medium. Each episode dives into contentious and sometimes ridiculous topics, exploring perspectives from across Seattle's political spectrum, from city council brawls to the ways the national political conversation filters through our unique political process. Even if you’re not from Seattle, you need to listen to Seattle Nice. Because it’s coming for you. Unlike the sun, politics rises in the West and sets in the East.
Seattle Nice
Is Seattle Still In Its Backlash Era?
There's an election coming up for a citywide seat on the Seattle City Council, and the question everyone's asking is: Can a progressive challenger beat a member of the Class of 2023? Tanya Woo, the citywide Position 8 incumbent, actually lost her race for a single-district seat last year but was elevated to a citywide position anyway—not by voters, but by the new centrist City Council majority, who appointed her in January. Her challenger, Alexis Mercedes Rinck, is hoping that voters are ready for at least one more progressive on the council. We discuss whether the voters (a different electorate in this Presidential year than they were in 2023) are ready for a mini-backlash to the backlash.
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